Exclusive Prospects Lead Offer

Thousands of legitimate data from qualified prospects

Every month, we can provide you with EXCELLENT qualified leads in the highly sought-after sector of young families with young children, or about to have them.

These databases are made up of potential customers contacted daily, in full compliance with laws and government policies, from multiple search channels and with the utmost transparency. All our prospects have allowed our partners to contact them.

The most important element of any promotional campaign is the quality and reliability of the database you use.

Our databases only contain qualified and pre-authorized leads. They are divided according to the age of the children, the number of children per family, the families expecting a child, as well as the postal code of the regions you are interested, in Quebec and the rest of Canada.

The leads contain the complete contact details of the prospects our (surname, adult’s first name, address, city, postal code, telephone, email, number of children in the family, language, and the agreement to receive contact by telephone, mail or email).

They are remarkably effective and lucrative for personalized direct mail promotion, or for an excessively targeted, cordial and productive telemarketing campaign.

For information, call 1 888 332-3113 Michel Bélanger or Clément Blais.

Get your leads now